"PupPouch is one of those products you never knew just how much you needed until you have one!! Our Pup Pouch has saved us on many long hikes. Just this past summer we did an overnight hike where we had to pack everything out and this was a life saver. Plus no smell, what more can you ask for."

What is PupPouch?
Whistler, C.-B.
Simply put, PupPouch is a smell proof reusable poop carrier. It takes the one unpleasant part of walking your dog away, leaving nothing but care free enjoyment and paw prints behind.
Bag the poop as usual, Pouch it, then Forget it's even there! Good for the environment and your nose...
How do I know it's smell proof I hear you say??
Well, that involved a lot of product testing and then some friendly experimenting on my sceptical in-laws just to make sure...
Take two giant breed dogs, two huge (both hands needed to pick it all up *huge*) absolutely disgusting dog poops, one sealed PupPouch and a 40min car ride with a very full PupPouch hidden under the drivers seat... and the result was two non the wiser in-laws who didn't smell a thing!
Pic ~ Bear, on a beach in Tofino, BC.
The best places don't have bins.... so we take our own, and leave nature as we found her.
Design Features
PupPouch and PupPouch Mini
I wanted a simple wipe down, non absorbent material which could get filthy and it wouldn't matter. Then it needed to be thick enough to lock the smells in.
From city strolls to back country adventures; I hoped for a simple and sleek style which could adapt to any person, day and activity... The logo is BC inspired capturing my happiest moments wandering the mountain trails with the dogs.
PupPouch comes in two sizes: Mini and Original, and both come with convertible straps. PupPouch is not a one poop pony! Wear as a hip bag, over the shoulder bag, clip onto or throw inside your regular backpacks, or clip to your dogs leash... Choose the style that fits your lifestyle.